Whether you’re having some problems growing the beard of your dreams or you’re just preemptively researching the mistakes to avoid when growing and grooming your facial hair, we’ve got the most comprehensive list of “don’t”s that you’ll find anywhere online.
Without further ado, we bring to you, the biggest list of beard-related things you should not do.
Be Patient and Consistent: Growing a beard takes time, so avoid trimming too early and let it grow unevenly at first. Regular but not excessive grooming, like brushing and trimming, is key.
Proper Beard Care: Use quality beard products like oils and balms to keep your beard and skin healthy. Avoid head shampoos and cheap products, as they can damage your beard.
Use the Right Tools: Invest in proper tools such as wooden combs and good-quality brushes, avoiding plastic combs and hairbrushes designed for head hair.
Avoid Common Mistakes: Don’t blow-dry your beard with hot air, over-trim your mustache, or neglect your sideburns. Avoid trimming your beard when it's wet for better results.
Embrace Your Beard and Others’ Choices: Be confident in your own beard style and avoid giving unsolicited advice to others. Respect your beard’s uniqueness and consult a barber if needed.