Relieving beard itch fast - how to stop beard itch when growing

Alex Cutler

Suffering from an uncomfortable, annoying, itchy beard?

We feel your pain, brother.

Alongside stunted beard hair growth, hair loss and thinning, beard itch is up there with some of the most annoying beard growth problems you can have.

However, whilst beard itch might seem like bad news, there's good news too - it's easy to fix.

In this article, we're going to impart everything we know about relieving beard itch, so you can get back to growing. Read on to find out more.

Causes of Beard Itch: Itchy beards are common during both new and long-term growth due to sharp hair tips, poor care, dry skin, dead skin cells, and ingrown hairs.

Check for Skin Conditions: Before treating it as a grooming issue, rule out underlying conditions like rashes, fungal infections, or allergies. Seek medical advice if symptoms are severe.

Proper Beard Care: Use an all-natural beard shampoo instead of regular hair shampoo to keep your beard clean and soft, which helps reduce itchiness.

Exfoliate and Hydrate: Use a beard brush to remove dead skin cells and prevent clogged pores. Keep your beard hydrated with beard oils or balms to maintain soft hair and moisturized skin.

Itch Duration and Relief: Beard itch can last a few days to weeks. While it may clear on its own, using beard care products can provide faster relief and keep your beard healthy.