There’s an eerie silence as your reflection stares back at you.
You feel judged.
You’ve been suspicious as of late but today it’s as if the confirmation has slapped the beard off your face...
… and at this point, it may as well do. Your beard is lifeless. Not a nanometre of growth in weeks. The end of the world has never felt so nigh.
“What is the source of this phenomenon?!”, you declare.
Breathe, beardy, breathe. Although not commonly known, there are a number of things that can hinder or even halt beard growth in its tracks - but it’s not the end of the world... And in this article, we’re going to show you how to tackle these issues head-on.
Beard Care Essentials: Tough guys need beard care products; proper grooming with oils, balms, and brushes ensures a healthier, better-looking beard.
Avoid Regular Shampoo: Using regular shampoo on beards can cause dryness and irritation; opt for beard-specific products designed for facial skin and hair.
Importance of Brushing: A boar bristle brush helps keep your beard clean, removes debris, and promotes a uniform, groomed look by training the hairs.
Short Beards Benefit Too: Short beards need proper care; using beard oil, balm, and a brush can prevent itchiness and maintain a neat appearance.