How To Grow A Thicker Beard - 15 Evidence-Backed Strategies

Alex Cutler

“How can I grow a thicker beard?”

It’s a question as old as time itself. Achieving thicker, more luscious beard growth is the holy grail for facial hair fanatics and beard enthusiasts around the world.

But sometimes it can feel impossible to transform those patchy bristles into a majestic, bushy beard.

Fear not.

If you’re currently on the eternal quest for a fuller beard, we can help. We’re about to explain how you can stimulate healthy beard growth and attain your desired thickness with proven techniques and expert tips.

Beard Growth Factors: Key elements for a thicker beard include hair strand thickness, density, and color, influenced by genetics, hormones, and age.

Healthy Lifestyle & Diet: Boost beard growth with nutrient-rich foods, regular exercise, hydration, and adequate sleep to increase testosterone and hair health.

Beard Care Tools: Use beard oil, beard brushes, and beard rollers to stimulate hair follicles, improve blood circulation, and promote fuller growth.

Stress & Beard Growth: Lowering stress levels reduces cortisol, a hormone that negatively impacts testosterone and beard growth.

Trim Regularly: Trimming helps shape the beard and makes it appear thicker, while strategic grooming styles can cover patchy areas.

Bearded man in sunglasses standing outdoors
Mission Beard owner, Alex

What makes a beard seem thick?

Before we explain how you can grow a thicker beard, let’s take a quick look at the key elements that make a beard appear healthy and full-bodied.

  • Thickness of strand: A larger hair follicle will produce a thicker beard bristle. The bigger your hair follicles, the fuller your beard will appear. The size of hair follicles varies from person to pers

  • Number of strands: More hairs in a specific area of your face will lead to a thicker, heavier beard. Makes sense, right? Once again, the density of hair will vary significantly between beard growers.

  • Colour: Generally speaking, the darker your beard hair, the thicker the strands usually are. However, blondes also tend to have a higher beard density. But there are no hard and fast rules here though - every face is different.

What could be holding your beard growth back?

Growing a thicker beard isn’t always smooth sailing. So what are the main factors that often contribute to slow growth, patchy beards, and weak whiskers?

  • Age: We all experience hair loss and slowed growth as we get older - but this doesn’t just apply to your head. Facial hair growth is also gradually stunted over time. This works both ways though - you could also be too young. While most men can grow a full beard by their early 20s, some need to wait until their late 20s.

  • Testosterone: Testosterone is a crucial hormone for beard growth and thickness. If you have low levels of testosterone, you’ll likely struggle to achieve fast growth.

  • DHT: DHT is another key human hair growth hormone which defines beard density. Once again, low levels of DHT will usually cause some issues for aspiring beard growers.

  • Alopecia : Certain types of alopecia can cause beard hair loss and slowed growth. Luckily, there are treatments available for those suffering from this condition.

15 ways to grow a thicker beard

There are plenty of factors that contribute to beard thickness, and many of them can be tricky to control - for example, hair density, beard colour, and hormone levels.

But don’t lose hope, bearded brethren.

This doesn’t mean that a glorious beard is out of reach. By applying a few tried & tested strategies, you can give your bristles the boost they need to thrive on your handsome face.

It’s time to explore some of the proven methods that can help you to stimulate thick beard growth and achieve your dream facial hair.

1. Be patient with beard growth

We have a little saying here at Mission Beard - patience is a virtue.

(OK, maybe we pinched that one. But the point still stands.)

A thick beard doesn’t appear overnight and you need to be the right age too, so give those precious hair follicles time to work their magic. If you follow all of the advice in this guide, you’ll be giving your beard the best chance of flourishing, so just have faith in the process.

2. Don’t shave

Time to debunk a popular myth in the beard community.

Shaving your beard won’t make your hair grow back thicker, and will not improve hair density. That’s right - you’ve been sold a lie.

The density of your hair follicles is determined by natural factors like age and hormone levels. By shaving, you’re just removing the thinner tips of hair strands and leaving the darker hair at the base, which gives the illusion of fullness rather than genuinely improved thickness.

Leave those beautiful bristles to develop naturally over time, and if you need to make any adjustments, trim carefully rather than going for a full-blown shave.

3. Eat a nutrient-rich diet

The food you put into your body has a direct impact on the thickness of your beard. Strap in, because we’re about to hit you with some beard-based science.

Studies suggest that there is a direct correlation between obesity and low testosterone. The less testosterone you’re producing, the slower your beard growth will be. The reverse can also be true - low testosterone levels can also contribute to obesity.

That’s why it’s important to pack your diet with healthy foods that can improve testosterone production and provide your body with the building blocks it needs to stimulate hair growth.

Good examples of beard-boosting foods include chicken and salmon (which offer lean protein), nuts and chickpeas (which offer nutrients like zinc) and fruits and vegetables (that deliver a range of vitamins that promote beard growth.)

A healthy meal platter

4. Hit the weight room

Exercise (and particularly weightlifting) is a fantastic way to increase testosterone levels and improve blood flow - two things that are superb for beard growth.

Try and set up a consistent exercise routine that’s both physically challenging and easy to stick to. Healthy body, healthy beard.

As we’ve already mentioned, you should also make sure that you’re fuelling your exercise regime with a well rounded diet and protein-rich foods. Sufficient protein intake is directly linked to testosterone production, so make sure that your menu is on point.

5. Stay properly hydrated

We’ve all been lectured on hydration before, and most of us still find the idea of chugging 3 litres of water a day pretty intimidating.

But did you know that hydration is also a major factor in beard growth?

Let’s break it down.

Beard hair grows from hair follicles on your skin. Your skin needs regular hydration to stay healthy. Therefore, hydration equals superior beard growth.

If a hair follicle on your face is happy and healthy, it’s more likely to produce luscious bristles that contribute to a magnificent full beard. If you hydrate properly, you may even find that your beard hairs feel softer and look shinier.

6. Use natural supplements

Beard growing may seem like the simplest thing in the world, but your body actually requires several different nutrients and vitamins to achieve consistent hair growth.

This is where supplements can shine.

Natural supplements like copper, zinc, and vitamin D can all help to fuel your body with the ingredients it needs to produce fabulous facial hair.

However, supplements should only be used to plug the gaps in your daily diet. Don’t use supplements to try and replace proper food and nutrition - just use them to enhance your vitamin and nutrient intake.

7. Make the most of beard oil

Beard oil is often advertised as a miracle product for those looking to transform a patchy beard into thick facial hair.

Well, we have some news for you. Beard oil isn’t going to start magically sprouting new hairs where there weren’t any previously.

However, that doesn’t mean beard oil can’t be hugely beneficial in your journey for a thicker beard.

A good beard oil will help the hairs you can grow to develop to the best of their ability, allowing you to grow a thicker beard that looks incredible.

Beard oil softens any stiff or bristly hairs, keeping them soft and hydrated year-round. It’s also great for the skin underneath your hair, helping to decrease split ends, prevent breakages, and reduce skin irritation.

We offer a range of all-natural beard oils that are brimming with premium ingredients like jojoba oil and argon oil which help you to lock in moisture, maintain healthy skin, and revitalise your beard’s growth.

(Oh, and they smell amazing too. Trust us.)

8. Buy a beard brush

If you’re looking to grow a thicker beard, a beard brush is a solid investment.

Using a beard brush helps to improve blood circulation to your hair follicles, which increases the number of nutrients they receive. There’s anecdotal evidence to suggest that this can enhance hair growth, and ultimately help you to develop a healthier beard.

Reddit comment by BeardManAlbert about beard growth through daily combing and brushing
Reddit comment by Evolocity93 on using oil and brushing for better beard growth

Brushing your beard regularly can also help to distribute natural oils throughout your facial hair, which contributes to beard care and faster growth.

But remember, when buying a beard brush, better quality equals better results.

9. Try out a beard roller

Another tool to add to your beard care collection is a quality beard roller.

Beard rollers are covered in hundreds of tiny ‘microneedles’ that make minuscule punctures in your skin. These punctures speed up the production of collagen (which can contribute to thicker facial hair) while also improving blood flow to your hair follicles.

Although beard rollers can cause mild irritation for some people, don’t be put off by the word ‘needle’ - when combined with other beard growth products, these rollers can help to make your beard thicker and healthier.

10. Pick a strategic beard style

If you’re struggling to connect a patchy beard, it might be time to shift your focus.

Concentrate less on trying to make your beard grow in sparse areas, and concentrate more on making your existing beard hairs work as hard as possible for your face.

Experiment with different beard grooming products to enhance the hair that you already have. Try using a beard balm and comb to add more structure and shape to your bristles.

You might find that a fresh style helps to give you the best beard possible - a new look can help you to give the impression of a thicker beard, while also covering up patchy spots or thinner hairs.

11. Get enough rest

Whoever said that ‘sleep is for the weak’ obviously wasn’t working on a kickass piece of facial hair.

Sleep is critical for testosterone production. In fact, peak testosterone regeneration actually occurs while you’re snoozing, so it’s vitally important that you get enough rest and stick to a consistent sleep pattern.

More sleep equals more testosterone. More testosterone equals a thick beard. Got it?

(Getting enough sleep is also generally quite important for other things. You know, like functioning on a daily basis.)

A bearded man in cap and sweatshirt

12. Shampoo and condition your beard

You already know that shampooing and conditioning your hair is important. Well, your facial hair is no different to the hair on your head. These bountiful bristles also need loving care and attention.

Regularly using high-quality beard shampoo and a best rated conditioner can be a fantastic way to give your facial hair the care and nutrition it needs to grow fuller and thicker.

Shampoo helps to prevent dry hair strands and beard itch, while conditioner helps to nourish thick beards and maintain silky whiskers. Most importantly, both of these products contribute to general hair health, which allows your beard to flourish.

13. Try to decrease stress

Stress and exhaustion can negatively impact your life in a few different ways. Grey hairs, wrinkles, sleep deprivation - it’s all bad news.

But potentially the worst side effect of all? Delayed beard growth.

High stress levels contribute to the release of ‘cortisol’, a harmful hormone that can significantly reduce your testosterone levels. But it doesn’t stop there. Stress can also cause your blood vessels to constrict, which means less blood, oxygen, and nutrients reach your hair follicles.

Now, we know that reducing stress isn’t always easy. But if you can find a way to relax and avoid excessively stressful situations, your beard will thank you for it in the long run.

14. Trim your facial hair

Growing a full beard is a bit like topiary art. You need to cut the right leaves at exactly the right time to create a jaw-dropping hedge.

OK, maybe that metaphor didn’t quite land. Let’s try again.

Developing a thicker beard is like adding the finishing brush strokes to an oil painting masterpiece.

Still not working? Screw it.

Basically, trimming your beard regularly is a surefire way to give it a thicker appearance. You can use a trimmer to shape and style your beard, instantly making it look more defined and voluminous. A trimmer can even help you to conceal patchy spots.

And if you’re not confident with your beard trimmer, no problem. A professional barber will be able to keep your facial hair looking razor-sharp and full-bodied.

15. Experiment with a beard hair growth booster

Some beard grooming brands offer ‘booster’ products that are created to encourage the growth of a thicker beard.

These boosters often combine several key nutrients and ingredients into a single bottle, which can be a convenient way to stimulate growth and look after the skin beneath your hairs.

However, while there are many effective products available that are designed to help your beard grow thicker, there are also plenty of useless serums and formulas that will achieve nothing. The beard care market can be fickle sometimes, so stick to brands that you trust.

If you’re in the market for any kind of facial hair growth formula, make sure that you double-check the ingredients and browse a few user testimonials before you commit to a purchase.

If you’ve been wondering how to grow a thicker beard, the above tips and techniques will point you in the right direction.

There’s a huge amount of sensible advice for promoting hair growth, from keeping your skin hydrated to regularly trimming any stray bristles.

However, the bottom line is that pairing a healthy lifestyle with a proper beard care routine is guaranteed to deliver positive results for your hair growth. Keep your skin healthy, keep your beard healthy, and you’ll be able to grow a thicker beard in no time at all.


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