In the words of J. Cole, there wasn’t nothing like that first time. You’re about to lose your beard virginity, homie. The gunshot's gone off, you’re out of the blocks and it’s gameday for your facial hair.
Why Grow a Beard: Growing your first beard is an exciting experience that can boost your confidence. While it might take time, it's worth the effort for the sense of style and self-expression it brings.
Beard Growth Timeline: A beard typically grows at a rate of ¼ to ½ inch per month. Achieving a full, thick beard can take anywhere from several months to over a year, depending on your growth rate.
Caring for Your Beard: Proper beard care is essential to avoid issues like dryness, itchiness, and brittle hair. Using products like beard oil or balm helps keep the hair and underlying skin hydrated and healthy, promoting better growth.
Trimming and Styling: Shaping and styling are crucial parts of maintaining a great-looking beard. Regularly trimming the neckline and cheek line and using beard balms can help keep your beard neat and styled.
Embracing the No Shave Life: Growing a beard can be a journey with some rough patches, but it's a rewarding experience. Mission Beard offers a range of beard products to help you maintain your beard, and you can join their launch list for a discount on their upcoming product line.
Why Growing a Beard for the First Time is the Right Decision for YOU!
Growing a beard for the first time is great crack - you’re probably not going to be walking down the street like the Messiah himself, but you will at least be checking out your reflection in car windows a bit more. That’s my first-hand experience of the matter, anyway.
So, what exactly will this (relatively vaguely-titled) article tell you?
A timeline - how long’s it gonna take?
How to treat your growing beard.
Trimming and styling your gnarly new beard.
A little bit about what we like to call no-shave-life.
Let’s kick it off with why it seems to be growing so slowly. Because we get it - speed is key. Time is of the essence.
How long should your first beard take?

Our man @Chrisvalhalla sharing the beard love over on Instagram!
How long is a piece of string, amigo?* There are many different ways to measure the amount of time your beard growth will take.
If we measure the time it takes to grow by the desired length, then your real question is how long does it take to grow a beard ? The short answer is that once you have beard hair sprouting out of most of your face, it should grow at ¼ - ½ an inch per month. Could take a year to grow three inches - could be almost double that.
How to treat your growing beard.
Your beard hair growth will be hampered if you don’t look after it. Like head hair, your beard requires love, care and product to reach its full potential. Sure, not everyone has fond memories of their first time - but it doesn’t need to be this way with your beard.
Unless you’re a fan of brittle hair, dry skin and itchiness you should consider some specialized grooming products. Beard oil or balm is a good start for keeping it healthy, as it’ll help your facial hair stay hydrated - which will also help you avoid flaky or dead skin underneath. You can afford to take a month to grow a beard before you should be needing beard products - but after that, they’re kinda essential. This is especially important if you're wondering how to grow a thicker beard, where beard care products play a vital role in keeping your hair and skin in tip top condition.
Shaping n’ styling
Growing a beard is the first step. Looking after it is the next. But styling it is the icing on the cake. If you think having to trim your beard is a chore then you might be on the wrong website - shaping it up is all part of the fun.
At the very least, most guys will want to look after their neckline and cheek line, even on a short beard. Our advice - check out this article about how to use a beard trimmer. Once you’ve shaped it up perfectly, grab a beard balm to hold it in shape. The rest will be history!
No shave life rules✌
You’re about to visit a little town we like to call no shave life - population: strictly legends. OK, so having a beard in itself isn’t guaranteed to make you a boss. But a full beard can give you an extra kick of handsomeness and confidence.
Sure, there may be rough patches on the road to beardom. Literally and proverbially. But watching that beard hair grow is like raising a puppy - hours of fluffy fun. Oh - and everyone will wanna be your friend.
How’s your first beard coming along? Keep us posted - literally. Upload it to our Instagram ( @_missionbeardgroomingco_ ) and if we’re impressed, we’ll post it!
Mission Beard’s range of badass beard products on the way. They’ll be hitting the market pretty soon, and we want to give you - one of our lovely bearded readers - the chance to take them for a spin for less. So, when you sign up to the Mission Beard product launch list, we’ll give you a 25% discount code on launch day as a way of saying thank-you!